Love Is Everywhere Here. Regardless Of The Date.

Love Is Everywhere Here. Regardless Of The Date.

February is just about over, which theoretically means Heart Month is too. Of course, you shouldn’t stop thinking about the importance of your cardiovascular health, or for that matter, love. Isn’t it a shame that we “formally” celebrate love — one of the most...
Ash Wednesday Services

Ash Wednesday Services

Ash Wednesday, the Holy day of fasting and prayer, signals the start of the Lenten Season and the six weeks of penitence before Easter. Both our Elementary and Senior Schools observed the beginning of this Season through special ceremonies in the Little Theatre and...
The Streets Of Old Québec

The Streets Of Old Québec

From the Côte de Beaupré to the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, our Grade 9 Fountain boys have seen and experienced all of what the old streets have to offer on their annual trip to Quebec City. The sights, sounds, and tastes of the Old City have been magnifique, and...
World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony Week

Thirteen years ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted World Interfaith Harmony Week which encourages all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill to showcase their work and celebrate one another. Taking this to heart, our Grade 4M students led their...