
Sacred Heart School of Halifax is a Catholic, independent school. One unique aspect of a Sacred Heart education is our commitment to our five Goals, the first of which is to educate to a personal and active faith in God.
If you are not Roman Catholic, you may wonder if you will feel comfortable at Sacred Heart. While about half of our students are Catholic, many of our students belong to other religions (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism), other Christian denominations, claim no religious affiliation, or are searching. Sacred Heart welcomes students from all ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds, and our families value the spiritual dimension of our School because our broad focus is on love, respect, generosity, and forgiveness.
All students at both the elementary and high school levels participate in our religion curriculum. These courses reflect the teachings of Catholicism, in addition to fostering understanding and deep respect for the meaningful rituals and traditions of religions around the world. Our students explore their relationship to God, to self, to others, and to all creation, and they are encouraged to share their religious traditions with their classmates.
Throughout the school year, students will learn about scripture and liturgical seasons and will participate in assemblies, masses, and celebrations that honour founding members of the Society of the Sacred Heart. In addition, our Elementary School students enjoy weekly liturgical singing practices to learn the songs sung at upcoming celebrations, and these songs reinforce the themes of love, respect, generosity, and forgiveness. These types of assemblies are new to many students, and all are supported by their homeroom teacher, religion teacher, Campus Minister, and classmates.