Parents’ Guild

The Parents’ Guild at Sacred Heart School of Halifax is a dynamic and extremely active group with two primary goals: enhancing the Sacred Heart school community and raising funds to support Sacred Heart programs. Every Sacred Heart parent is a member of the Parents’ Guild. Participation in the Guild can include volunteering to help with an event, attending an event such as the Christmas Fair, purchasing a hot lunch for your child, or being a member of the PG Executive.
Community is at the heart of our School, and the Parents’ Guild takes the lead in ensuring there are ample opportunities for our families to connect, participate, and socialize. Events like the Christmas Fair, Pancake Supper, Parent Socials, and the Ice Cream Social, among many others, are excellent ways to get involved either as volunteers or as participants.
The funds raised from many of these events go directly into School programs like theatre productions, leadership conferences, various school clubs, art programs, and sports equipment.
Whether you have 30 minutes, a few hours, or lots of great ideas to share, your investment in our School is welcome and makes our School and community better. Get involved by volunteering now! Follow along with news, activities, and events on the Parents’ Guild’s Instagram page!
Still have questions but not sure where to go for answers? The Parents’ Guild is here to help. Email us and we will do our best to answer any questions you have about Sacred Heart from a parent’s perspective.