

Why Give

As a not-for-profit, independent school we receive no outside funding and rely instead on the generosity of our community. Our gratitude, as a result, knows no bounds.

The Sacred Heart community is a giving one — generous with time and spirit. And money. Why do we need additional resources above and beyond our tuition fees? It’s a good question. It’s because tuition only covers about 90% of our expenses — things like salaries, books, and supplies. The gaps — things like innovative new technology, professional development, and the operation of our historic and iconic building — aren’t covered, and yet they’re crucial.

In addition, and as an inclusive school that seeks both ethnic and socio-economic diversity, we manage a robust Bursary Program that provides needs-based funding for students who are interested in a Sacred Heart education but may not be able to afford it.

Ways to Give

Annual Giving

A top priority for Sacred Heart is the ongoing advancement of technology (instructional resources and infrastructure), and the preservation of our historic property. Our Annual Giving Fund directly benefits our students and faculty. This fund allows Sacred Heart to acquire the latest tools for learning, and to ensure that our campus supports learning, play, and growth in a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment. We look to the Annual Giving Fund to help fill the gap between tuition income and operating expenses, especially in the areas of technology and facilities.


Bursary Fund

Sacred Heart values diversity in our student body. Our Bursary Fund provides needed financial support for families who qualify for aid and are a terrific fit for our school, both academically and with our mission. Contributions can be made to the Bursary Fund throughout the year. Some people make gifts to the bursary program to honour or remember a special event or person. Annually, we host the Big Hearts Bursary Benefit to raise money for this Fund.


Planned Giving

Our Planned Giving Program invites benefactors to consider a bequest to the Sacred Heart School of Halifax in their will or through another planned giving avenue. A bequest can be for an unrestricted or designated gift, in the form of cash, property or appreciated securities, life insurance or other assets, or it can be specified as a residual legacy. To enhance estate/income tax planning, a tax receipt for the full value of a bequest can be provided to the donor’s estate. Bequests are not irreversible gifts and can be amended. When received, donations can be acknowledged in memoriam or may remain anonymous. 

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